Architectural photography and commercials

Authentic. Vibrant. Convincing.

Have you completed a new building or developed an innovative product?
Then show your customers what you have developed!
Our mission is to give expression to impressive projects. The focus is on quality and authenticity. Our mission is not only to take beautiful pictures, but also to tell stories with them.

Architekturfotografie Fassade Biologicum

Impressionen Räucherei Körber

Architectural photography: Your project in the best light
As an architectural photographer, my aim is to show architecture as more than just a building. People and particularly exciting perspectives ensure that your project stands out from others. With an eye for detail and atmospheric ambience, we offer you outstanding architectural photography that does honour to your project.
Promotional films: create trust and strengthen your brand
In commercials, people are a decisive factor in creating trust. Don't just show your product. Let your customers and employees speak and give your company a voice. Our solution is called "Industrymonial" and combines the advantages of product videos and testimonials to create a universal advertising film. With our testimonials and image films, you can reach your customers on an emotional level and strengthen your brand loyalty.
We are the best partner for professional architectural photography and advertising films in Frankfurt am Main and Düsseldorf. We look forward to transforming your visions into impressive images and videos. Let us show your project together!
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The Westend Campus
The Westend Campus is located in the district of the same name and brings together all the humanities faculties. The campus is located on the site of the former I.G. Farbindustrie AG, whose main headquarters is now home to the departments of theology, philosophy, history and modern philology. In the center of the campus are the cafeteria and a lecture hall center, surrounded by the buildings of the other faculties. The campus is connected to public transportation via the metro lines U1, U2, U3 and U8. Central facilities such as the university administration and the student service center are also located on campus. A student residence and facilities for university religious communities are located at the northern end of the campus. There are also several external research institutes on campus, such as the Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education and the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory. With the opening of the Linguistics and Cultural Studies building at the end of 2022, all humanities faculties will be located on campus.
Click here to go directly to the buildings:
Hörsaalzentrum & Casino Anbau
House of Finance
Institutsgebäude Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Institutsgebäude Psychologie, Erziehungs- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Institutsgebäude Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaften

Goethe University Frankfurt­ Campus Westend

The Westend Campus of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt is a masterpiece of planning by Frankfurt architect Ferdinand Heide. The concept combines the existing buildings of the former I.G. Farbindustrie AG with the modern new buildings. The central axis concentrates university life. In my Master's thesis, I focused intensively on the architecture of various universities and developed a lookbook that provides a comprehensive architectural representation of Goethe University Frankfurt.
Architekturfotografie Campus Westend
The Riedberg Campus
All faculties of natural sciences are based at the Riedberg Campus. The campus is located in the north-western district of Kalbach-Riedberg and is connected to public transport by the U9 and U8 metro lines. The U8 line provides a direct connection to the Westend campus in Frankfurt city center. The campus includes a lecture hall center (Otto-Stern-Zentrum) and 4 department-specific building complexes. Also attached to the campus is a science garden with glasshouses, as well as several scientific institutes (e.g. Max Planck Institute) and student residences.
Click here to go directly to the individual buildings:
Physikalische Institute
Gewächshaus & Wissenschaftsgarten

Goethe University Frankfurt­ Campus Riedberg

The Riedberg Campus is the second main campus of Johann Wolfgang Goethe University. It is structurally very different from the centrally located Westend Campus. In contrast to the uniform architecture based on Ferdinand Heide's planning concept, the Riedberg Campus is characterized by a diversity of buildings that integrate into the cityscape and the surrounding residential areas.
Architekturfotografie Campus Riedberg
The Wehrhahn Line Düsseldorf
With their design and planning of the Düsseldorf Wehrhahn Line, the Darmstadt-based architecture studio Netzwerkarchitekten has realized an exciting project that combines art and architecture. A particularly striking feature is the visual relationship to the urban space, which integrates the stations into the city instead of viewing them as a separate area. The artist Heike Klussmann (Pempelforter Straße metro station) played a decisive role in the development of the overall design. She came up with the concept of the continuum that connects all the stations. A relief made of prefabricated concrete elements, reminiscent of the scaly structure of a snake, which picks up on the primary material of the tunnel tube and expands the station space. A unique approach that has given the city of Düsseldorf a new landmark.
Click here to go directly to the individual metro stations:
U-Bahnhof Pempelforter Straße
U-Bahnhof Schadowstraße
U-Bahnhof Heinrich-Heine-Allee
U-Bahnhof Benrather Straße
U-Bahnhof Graf-Adolf-Platz
U-Bahnhof Kirchplatz

Düsseldorf Wehrhahn-Linie

The Düsseldorf Wehrhahn-Line is an urban planning concept that reinterprets the subway transportation system and integrates it into the cityscape on an equal basis through complex design. Through close cooperation between artists, architects and urban planners, the metro network has not only been extended by an east-west connection. The new line is also a kind of art gallery that invites passengers to pause and reflect. Passengers encounter seven works of art on the 3.4-kilometre route between Kirchplatz and Pempelforter Straße, making the train journey an experience.
Kontinuum U-Bahnhof Heinrich-Heine-Allee
Rolltreppe Bahnhof Heinrich-Heine-Allee
Zugangspunkte U-Bahnhof Kirchplatz
Stationsraum Gleise Bahnhof Schadowstr.
Treppenaufgang Bahnhof Graf-Adolf-Platz
Verteilerebene Bahnhof Pempelforter Str.
Verteilerebene Bahnhof Benrather Straße
Detail Kontinuum Wehrhahn-Linie

"Nursing­specialist in Germany"

There has been a shortage of skilled workers across all sectors in Germany for many years. The situation is becoming increasingly critical in the care sector in particular. Together with AWO Vita gGmbH in Düsseldorf, we have developed a film that provides a comprehensive insight into the day-to-day work of a nursing professional. The target is to attract skilled workers abroad and bring them to Germany. The film shows the example of a new specialist and how they are welcomed and trained. This film can also be used to give other professionals an idea of what to expect in Germany as part of a training course.
Fachkräftefilm AWO Vita gGmbH

"We are PreHCM!"

"Software architecture for mobile communications" is the goal with which PreHCM GmbH from Miltenberg has been working for many years to ensure a reliable mobile communications network in Germany and the border regions. In the image film developed by us, we show the attractiveness of PreHCM GmbH as an employer and give an insight into the day-to-day field of activity. The flat hierarchies, the collegial cooperation and the flexible workplaces are particularly noteworthy. Through statements from different employees, the film creates trust and shows future employees what they can expect.
Imagefilm PreHCM Services GmbH
Mitarbeiter Team PreHCM Services GmbH
Imagebild Zusammenhalt PreHCM Services
Imagebild Teamwork PreHCM Services GmbH

Commercial " Premium ­quality salmon"

The Austrian company S.A.M. Kuchler made history with the first fully automatic slicing machine. Today, however, slicing machines play a role not only at the supermarket counters. A machine specially developed for slicing fish enables precise and thin slicing of smoked salmon, for example. In addition to precision, automation also speeds up working processes and allows businesses to significantly increase their profits. Fischräucherei Körber from Schwabach and Fischzucht Müller from Birkenfeld provide an exciting insight into their production.

Florian Kaiser-Winter

Who I am? What inspires me? My expertise?
Born in Düsseldorf in 1995, my career took me to Frankfurt am Main in 2020, a city known for its skyline and an exciting architectural history. I discovered my fascination for architectural photography in 2016, when the new Düsseldorf metro line Wehrhahn-Linie was opened. At that moment, I realized that architecture is more than just a building. Architecture shapes urban space and can shape its use. An interest that has accompanied me from that moment - ever since. For me, architecture is a genre of applied art. As an architectural photographer, my mission is to document the beauty and function of imposing architectural works and to bring them to life by including people in them.
My photographs should show the uniqueness of your building from exciting perspectives. From the professional public to the everyday user, everyone should recognize the creative ideas of your design and become inspired. My photographs should give you the opportunity to share your work with the world and bring architecture to life. Visibility is more important today than ever. Communication through visual references is crucial to publicize your projects and attract new clients.
My journey to architectural photography and video production
After graduating from high school, I first studied communication design at Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences. There I focused on photography and discovered my passion for telling stories in moving images. I then deepened my skills in the Master Photographic Studies at the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts and focused on architectural photography. At the same time, I developed a concept that combines product videos with testimonials to create an authentic documentary advertising video. Films can tell stories in an even more complex way and convey information more easily.
The combination of my degrees in communication design and architectural photography not only gives me the opportunity to present your projects to a wide audience in a specific way. My expertise in visual communication also enables me to develop communication concepts and design books and brochures.
In addition to my professional work as a photographer, I am committed to promoting people in creative professions and supporting them with my skills. Important topics for me are financial education and private pension provision.

Architekturfotograf F. Kaiser-Winter