Architekturfotografie House of Finance

House of Finance
Goethe University Frankfurt

The House of Finance is located to the west of Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz. As the name suggests, the Goethe Universitys research is conducted there with a focus on money and currencies. Accordingly, the economics departments of Finance and Money/Currency are located in the building. The design of the building, by Kleihues + Kleihues Architects, is inspired by the IG Farben building and fits in with Ferdinand Heide's campus concept.
On entering the building, you reach a foyer which is naturally lit by generous skylights. From the foyer, there is access to the building's internal lecture theaters on the left and a small service library on the right. Offices and seminar rooms for the faculties are located on the upper floors. In terms of design, the marble floor, which is inspired by Raphael's fresco "The School of Athens", is particularly striking in the interior. The following architectural photographs illustrate this design.
Bibliothek House of Finance
Detail Marmorboden House of Finance
Foyer House of Finance Campus Westend
Foyer mit Oberlicht House of Finance
Studio: Kleihues + Kleihues  | Completion: 2008 | Client: independent project