Architekturfotografie Graf-Adolf-Platz

Graf-Adolf-Platz Metro Station
Düsseldorf Wehrhahn line

A green wonder is waiting for passengers in the Graf-Adolf-Platz metro station. The space is lined with an arrangement of green gray-purple glass panels, creating a world of its own. "Agate" is the title of the work created by Manuel Franke, which is part of the overall concept of the Wehrhahn Line.
The station room resembles a rock gland that has been exposed by the incisive architecture. The open design approach of Netzwerkarchitekten underpins the holistic perception of the space. A unique fusion of architecture and art, illustrated by the following architectural photographs.
Detail Glaswand Bahnhof Graf-Adolf-Platz
Detail Treppengang Graf-Adolf-Platz
Rolltreppen U-Bahnhof Graf-Adolf-Platz
Stationsraum U-Bahnhof Graf-Adolf-Platz
Treppenaufgang Bahnhof Graf-Adolf-Platz
Verteilerebene Bahnhof Graf-Adolf-Platz
Studio: Netzwerkarchitekten Darmstadt | Completion: 2016 | Client: independent project